Illegal migration policies make life harder for the American poor and middle class

by Zain Jaffer

As a naturalized citizen, I am proud of my journey from newly arrived migrant to the act of swearing allegiance to these United States of America. The line is long, and the steps are many, but if you do the necessary steps and are patient, eventually a prospective legal migrant will be one of millions who take that oath.

Unfortunately these past four years we have taken shortcuts. We have let illegal immigrants jump the line and go ahead of those who have been patiently waiting for years to be allowed into this country. Our southern border with Mexico has become a joke. Instead of being a border, it is now a vaguely defined line. Instead of waiting in turn we have allowed people to simply walk over and add to the chaos.

Our cities during these past four years have seen a breakdown in law and order due to police defunding. We have allowed the homeless to camp in our city streets. Shoplifting is now merely a misdemeanor with hardly any penalties, so we have gangs who roam and steal with impunity even in our high end retail stores. 

Our cities have turned from being showcases of American pride and greatness, to showcases of squalor and neglect. Crime, drugs, prostitution, violence amidst office and retail space vacancy signs. It is as if life has been sucked out of our beautiful American cities.

Into this sorry state comes illegal immigrants from the porous southern border, being bussed into our major cities. To have shelter the cities have displaced students from schools, and most city social services are simply too overwhelmed to cope. 

California’s Governor Gavin Newsom even wants to extend health benefits even to illegal immigrants, even if his state is already running large deficits. How is he going to pay for all this? 

Clearly the objective is to win the November 2024 presidential elections by changing the nature of the American voter. Technically speaking if you are not an American citizen you cannot vote, but if polling places will be lax with ID requirements, who knows what can happen?

If the liberals really want to help the unions, the poor, the oppressed, then this is not the way to do it. Already America has a $34T debt that we may no longer be able to pay if revenues are less than our spending, but still we add more spending. 

We have to remember that we are facing a recession and are still experiencing high inflation despite the increase in interest rates. Tax revenues may even go down some more if more companies close or operate in a reduced mode because of harder times. Adding more mouths to feed, clothe and shelter who are not productively working will strain our system even more. 

We can no longer print more dollars to pay for these expenses, else our currency will hyperinflate like 1939 pre Nazi Germany and present day Argentina.

Logic has gone out the window. We simply need to close our borders, and remember that resources, budgets, jobs, social services, housing, and other requirements are not infinite. 

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